To register to ISCAS, please proceed to the membership payment website: Sign up
The membership of ISCAS is open to individuals, national or international societies, universities/institutions of higher education and training, as well as industries or companies producing or commercializing equipment for health services or scientific and medical research related to the field.
For an Active Member individual membership at 50 Euros, you will be ISCAS member until December 31st of the same year. You will actively support the activities of the society and the awards. You will have access to ISCAS information, job board, and receive the ISCAS newsletter. You will also benefit from a reduced rate (50 % off) for subscription to the International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, and reduced fees for conferences and workshops. In addition, a joint ISCAS and CAOS membership is available.
Any person pursuing activities in the engineering, health care, scientific or industrial fields related to computer aided surgery and related medical interventions. The rights and privileges of Members include voting and participating in the meetings of the association. The general assembly is usually held during the annual CARS/ISCAS conference.
Application for membership of ISCAS should be made by using the application and payment form available using the “Sign up” link at the top of this page. The membership will be active upon reception of the full payment of the membership fees and will be valid until December 31st of the same year.